Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Year in Review

    We come to the end of another year. I ask the question, what has this last year been like? Well, it has not been the most productive one I have every had.
    I began the year excited, thrilled even. I had a finished my first novel and I started to look around for an agent. The first rejection letter meant nothing, it was just someone losing out on the next big thing in Fantasy Fiction. A few weeks past and three more letters of rejection. My thought of having a successful book out before Christmas was dying, yet I still knew deep down in my soul that the right agent (the one who liked it) was about to read my masterpiece. A couple of months went by and I received seven more letters, all with the false sympathies of the first four.

Dear Caleb,
Thank you so much for querying us with your project. Unfortunately, we did not feel it was the right fit for our agency at this time. Thanks again for thinking of The Knight Agency and we wish you nothing but the best in your writing career.

    But I still refused to be brought down by short sighted individuals. Or companies as the case could be. So I went on sending my outline, bio, and first couple of chapters of my book.
    Summer arrived and so did 12 more rejection letters. It was at this point that I knew that I was not getting an agent. For the next few months I was seriously depressed. I didn't send any more feelers out, nor did I do any more writing. I just moped around like a high school kid with his first broken heart.
    It was completely possible for me to stay in this state for the rest of my life. Luckily, I have one hell of a friend by the name of Maggie Locke Sengele, and she told me via text message, “Well you can get off your ass and stop being a little Bitch.” 
    It is just what I needed to hear, I shall be eternally grateful to her for telling me that.
    So I went about changing my ways. First was my diet, I changed to heather food and less soda. Then I went to the gym, started walking an hour a day. Lastly, I sign up to start school next year. With that I hope to become a better writer. Also hopefully I might end up with a job more in the field I want.
    So while 2010 was a HUGE disappointment, 2011 looks to be on the fast track to something better.  

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